195年教师 & Staff Available
Merrie Ann Bagget  Building and Grounds/CustodialE mbagget@kmldkj.com
洛丽·贝利  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE lbailey1@kmldkj.com
P 800-203-1560
Krissie Barnes  Presidents OfficeE kbarnes3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7100
朱莉Barst  英语E jbarst@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7678
Samantha Bartelotti  体育运动E sbartelo@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7825
Makayla贝克  公共安全E mbeck1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7799
亚伦别人  体育运动E abenard@kmldkj.com
马克·伯纳德  英语E mbernar1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7685
Kimberly Berrington  体育运动E kberring@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7875
布莱恩·伯特伦  Building and Grounds/CustodialE bbertram@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7676
谢丽尔·贝茨  Undergraduate 招生E cbetz@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7234
Robert Blohm Sr.  公共安全E rblohm@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7800
诺亚波尔  体育运动E nbohl@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7833
Elizabeth Brooks  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE ebrooks@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7662
黛安·布朗  Division of EducationE dbrown23@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7921
布拉德•布莱恩  Building and Grounds/CustodialE bbryan@kmldkj.com
诺曼Bukwaz  Graduate and Professional StudiesE nbukwaz@kmldkj.com
P 419-290-5319
查尔斯·该隐  体育运动E ccain@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7883
Ashley Calhoun  Building and Grounds/CustodialE acalhou2@kmldkj.com
Jessica Campbell  McNair Scholars E jcampbe9@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7165
玛丽亚Carrico  Presidents OfficeE mcrane@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7612
茱莉亚卡塞尔  Center for Student SuccessE jcassell@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7651
Sister Emmy Chelagat Choge  学生生活E echoge1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7190
莎拉Chrenko  进步E schrenko@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7605
卡莉克莱尔  CommunicationsE cclare@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7633
佩吉特克拉克  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE pclark3@kmldkj.com
P 269-235-9644
琳达柯林斯  Building and Grounds/CustodialE lcollin1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7127
Christopher Cox  注册商E ccox3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7201
Michael Crater  公共安全E mcrater@kmldkj.com
Andrew Crawford  体育运动E acrawfor@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7846
布鲁斯Creque  Building and Grounds/CustodialE bcreque@kmldkj.com
温迪·克罗斯比  Religious StudiesE wcrosby@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7684
詹姆斯咖喱  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE jcurry@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7686
坎德拉达福  数学E kdafoe@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7658
Elizabeth Davis  社会工作E edavis1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7688
Robert Dawson  Building and Grounds/CustodialE rdawson@kmldkj.com
吉恩·迪恩  Division of NursingE jdean@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7243
克林特DeNudt  公共安全E cdenudt@kmldkj.com
马克DiPietro  Division of Visual and Performing ArtsE mdipietr@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7895
大卫·迪克斯  Division of Information TechnologyE ddix1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7115
凯伦Doan  Building and Grounds/CustodialE kdoan@kmldkj.com
安吉拉•邓恩  学者E adunn3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7176
Anna-Jo所得钱款  Student Support ServicesE aduval@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7616
Mickenzee Elliott  Undergraduate 招生E melliot1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7700
Cathleen Emery  Division of NursingE cemery@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7242
Jennifer Ermiger  Counselor EducationE jermiger@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7235
Anthony Farina  在线 LearningE afarina@kmldkj.com
约翰·菲克  Leadership: Health Care AdministrationE jfick@kmldkj.com
P 248-799-5490 ext. 7230
Jessica Finney  社会工作E jfinney@kmldkj.com
P 517-673-3469
凯利福特  音乐E kford2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7896
金米. 狐狸  Business OfficeE kfox2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7072
Julieanna Frost  历史E jfrost@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7642
Richard Gallatin  Building and Grounds/CustodialE rgallati@kmldkj.com
Theresa Garcia  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE tgarcia@kmldkj.com
P 517-796-8672
Andreia Gendera  Division of Business & 管理E agendera@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7859
悉尼Gerig  公共安全E sgerig@kmldkj.com
Samantha Gerig  公共安全E sgerig1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7724
Alexander Gilbert  公共安全E agilbert@kmldkj.com
Steve Gonzalez  Undergraduate 招生E sgonzale@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7924
詹姆斯Gornick  在线 LearningE jgornick@kmldkj.com
P 517-294-8494
埃文·格雷厄姆  注册商E egraham2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7123
Brianna  Griffey  Academic AffairsE bgriffey@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7130
克里格里芬  在线 LearningE kgriffi3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7149
吉娜Gudowski  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE ggudowsk@kmldkj.com
P 517-796-8672
Jennifer Haeussler  Child DevelopmentE jbrewer1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7841
James Hamilton  体育运动E jhamilt1@kmldkj.com
Kate Hamilton  校友办公室E khamilt2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7143
Shannon Hancock  进步E shancock@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7136
泰德Hanosh  体育运动E thanosh@kmldkj.com
利兰·哈珀  哲学E lharper3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7681
Ashley  Harris  学者E aharri12@kmldkj.com
劳拉·哈维  Marketing and CommunicationsE lharvey1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7144
麦奇舵  Division of Information TechnologyE mhelm@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7111
Timothy Henkel  Division of Information TechnologyE thenkel@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7166
Cathy  Henning  Business OfficeE chennin1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7118
艾琳·荷马  公共安全E ehomer@kmldkj.com
艾琳Horkey  Division of NursingE ehorkey1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7216
帕梅拉•霍华德  Business OfficeE phoward@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7615
安德里亚•霍华德  Academic AffairsE ahoward8@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7613
凯伦Howatt  Division of NursingE khowatt@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7245
阿什利Iott  Graduate and Professional StudiesE adaniel3@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7661
Nathaniel Iverson  数学E niverson@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7161
Nicole Jahias  Student AccountsE njahlas@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7072
琥珀色的詹姆斯  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE mjames@kmldkj.com
P 734-931-0086
Frances Johnson  Human 资源 E fjohnso1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7109
罗宾·约翰逊  Human 资源 E rjohns21@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7106
Sister Mary Jones, OP  学生生活E mjones11@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7105
Jeffrey Kallenbach  数学E jkallenb@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7641
戴夫Kallsen  Division of Information TechnologyE dkallsen@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7652
Daniel Kesterke  音乐E dkesterk@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7898
Jonathon Kleinow  Criminal JusticeE jkleinow@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7691
Laura Klutsarits  体育运动E lklutsar@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7874
马修•科恩  体育运动E mkohn@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7831
John Kolasinski  体育运动E jkolasin@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7872
凯西高斯  图书馆E ckoss1@kmldkj.com
Katrina  Kreichelt  Division of NursingE kkreiche@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7217
疯狂的“Kro  设计+艺术E mkro@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7866
克里斯Kro  设计+艺术E ckro@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7861
玛丽克鲁斯  Business OfficeE mkruse@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7112
Melissa Krzyzaniak  Student Support ServicesE mkrzyza1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7630
温迪LaBeau  会计E wlabeau@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7628
约翰Labriola  在线 LearningE jlabriol@kmldkj.com
Jeffrey湖  Environmental ScienceE jlake2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7906
Mary Beth Leibold  Sport 管理E mleibold@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7624
Abigail Lenhart  Undergraduate 招生E alenhart@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7178
James Loughran  Leadership: OrganizationalE jloughra@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7663
布莱恩Loveday  Division of Information TechnologyE jloveday@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7006
Niesha劳  体育运动E nlowe@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7635
Milson卢斯  生物学E mluce@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7636
鲁宾Luniku  经济学E rluniku@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7621
邦妮(merrill Lynch)  Undergraduate 招生E blynch@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7925
Concepcion Marquez  Academic AffairsE cmarquez@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7103
Nicole Marquez  Business OfficeE njahlas@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7107
吊杆跨度结婚  体育运动E dmarry@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7829
Rebecca Martinez  体育运动E rmartine@kmldkj.com
男童独自梅纳德  Building and Grounds/CustodialE tmaynar1@kmldkj.com
佩吉·麦肯  Sport 管理E pmccann@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7627
Nicholas McClure  Undergraduate 招生E nmcclure@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7179
艾玛·麦克福尔  Division of Information TechnologyE emcfaul@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7164
Kalin迈耶  公共安全E kmeyer1@kmldkj.com
Matthew Mieure  Division of Information TechnologyE mmieure@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7918
黎明米勒  在线 LearningE dmille14@kmldkj.com
Carrie Mitchell  Division of EducationE cmitchel@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7899
希瑟·摩尔  McNair Scholars E hmoore1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7160
桑迪莫理  学生生活E smorley@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7193
Nicholas Mortensen  Division of NursingE nmortens@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7219
朱利叶斯·伊  化学E jnagy@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7639
科里洛克  体育运动E cness@kmldkj.com
Ashley Nicosia  体育运动E anicosia@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7870
Katherine O’Hotzke  体育运动E kohotzke@kmldkj.com
斯科特•奥利弗  体育运动E soliver@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7879
Michael Orlando  学生生活E morlando@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7601
Mitchell Osadchuk  体育运动E mosadchu@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7834
Douglas Palmer  Presidents OfficeE dpalmer1@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7000
Julie Palpant Short  Business OfficeE jpalpant@kmldkj.com
Linda Pancone  Student AccountsE lpancone@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7137
Joseph Pechota  体育运动E jpechota@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7847
代Petterle  公共安全E kpetterl@kmldkj.com
雅各皮斐尔  公共安全E jpifer@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7800
Angela Pinkett  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE apinkett@kmldkj.com
P 248-799-5490
约瑟夫·拉布  Religious StudiesE jraab@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7673
莎莉雷  Division of EducationE srae@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7892
罗宾·雷恩斯  注册商E rraines@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7729
莫Rammuny  体育运动E mrammuny@kmldkj.com
Pradeep Ranaweera  工程E pranawee@kmldkj.com
P 517-264- 7645
玛丽雷蒙德  在线 LearningE mantonar@kmldkj.com
P 818-667-9711
罗伊里加拉多  Building and Grounds/CustodialE rregalad@kmldkj.com
乔什·赖利  体育运动E jreilly@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7843
Karlee瑞尼  Undergraduate 招生E kreny@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7188
Carlee水泥柱  生物学E cresh@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7643
柯克理查兹  体育运动E krichar2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7881
达尼洛Riella  Undergraduate 招生E driella@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7001
Matthew Ripper  Division of Business & 管理E mripper@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7622
Steven Robinson  体育运动E srobins2@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7824
Annmarie Roboski  Graduate and Professional EnrollmentE aroboski@kmldkj.com
P 269-248-1781
Ricky Rockwood  Building and Grounds/CustodialE rrockwoo@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7128
Rochelle Rojas  Building and Grounds/CustodialE rrojas@kmldkj.com
Stacy Romanowski  Student AccountsE sromanow@kmldkj.com
Benjamin Rosebrock  Student Support ServicesE brosebro@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7631
吉娜·罗塞蒂  Academic AffairsE grossett@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7667
盖尔·赖德  在线 LearningE gryder@kmldkj.com
P 248-799-5490
莎拉萨宾  社会工作E ssabin@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7671
乔治·萨德勒  Building and Grounds/CustodialE gsadler@kmldkj.com
Alan Sandifer  体育运动E asandife@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7869
Stacy Schaffner  Student AccountsE sschaffn@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7134
Kassi舒尔茨  Student AccountsE kschulz@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7726
Patricia Seawick  Building and Grounds/CustodialE pseawick@kmldkj.com
安娜短  McNair Scholars E ashort@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7165
弗雷德·史密斯  进步E fsmith@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7876
Kristen  Sorrow  Division of NursingE ksorrow@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7244
Lindsay Soucie  公共安全E lsoucie@kmldkj.com
Patrick Sroufe  公共安全E psroufe@kmldkj.com
Neysa史黛丝  Division of NursingE ncarpent@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7732
艾米丽长铁楔  Student Support ServicesE ecouture@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7122
卢卡斯斯特罗姆  Division of Information TechnologyE lstrom@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7156
Brian Sunderman  Division of Information TechnologyE bsunderm@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7116
Cynthia Sutherland  Graduate and Professional StudiesE csutherl@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7693
Susan Syljebeck  体育运动E ssyljebe@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7871
Kaitlyn Taylor  体育运动E ktaylor5@kmldkj.com
Elizabeth Teague  体育运动E ecundiff@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7819
Sabrina Terrany  Business AdministrationE sterrany@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7625
Danielle Teunion-Smith  Criminal JusticeE dteunion@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7853
Samantha Thacker  Residence LifeE sthacker@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7171
Melissa教授  Career ServicesE mtsuji@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7614
6月信  生物学E jtsuji@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7649
Timothy Van Beke  设计+艺术E tvanbeke@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7848
马克虽然  在线 LearningE mvroman@kmldkj.com
Thomas Wassmer  生物学E twassmer@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7637
史蒂文Wathen  化学E swathen@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7657
Krishanthi Weerasinghe  化学E kweerasi@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7644
Wilhem Weissheimer   Undergraduate 招生E wweisshe@kmldkj.com
P (517) 264-7730
杰克威尔逊  公共安全E jwilson8@kmldkj.com
迈克Winstrom  在线 LearningE mwinstro@kmldkj.com
P 248-799-5490
Eleanor Wollett  Division of EducationE ewollett@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7888
迈克尔袁  剧院锡耶纳E myuen@kmldkj.com
P 517-264-7889